Pool ColourGuard

Pool ColourGuard® is the world’s most highly advanced swimming pool technology breakthrough. Patented in 27 countries, it is still unmatched by competitors today. There is no equivalent available in the market.

Pool ColourGuard® uses a specialised dual coat system, where the two layers are merged to provide the extraordinary protection offered by Pool ColourGuard®. No other product world-wide has the benefits of the Pool ColourGuard surface protection system, which include:

Superior Fade Resistance

Patented technology ensures your pool continues to look as good as the day it was installed as it is protected from colour loss and weathering.

Superior defence against chemicals and water

Accidental low pH readings or high chlorine levels will not harm the pool’s finish or brilliant colour.

Withstands the Effects of UV Rays

Pool ColourGuard® acts like sunscreen on your pool, minimising any degradation of the surface by UV light, as tested through QUV Accelerated Weathering Test in compliance with ASTM G54-06.

Specialised ultra violet light absorbers and stabilisers provide unparalleled protection against the effects of UV rays.

Briliant High Gloss Finish

Never before seen on swimming pools, Pool ColourGuard® imparts a very high gloss to the pool’s surface, which is maintained year after year.

Pool ColourGuard® is available exclusively from Aqua Technics, Buccaneer Pools and Sapphire Pools.

*Conditions apply

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    Every pool is available with exclusive Pool ColourGuard Surface technology. Patented in 13 countries. It is unmatched in the market today. More…

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